
How to Turn off Comments on YouTube (2023)

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YouTube is one of the most popular platforms for sharing videos and engaging with an audience. However, as a content creator, you may encounter situations where you want to turn off comments on your videos.

Whether it’s to reduce negativity, prevent spam, or maintain control over the conversation, disabling comments can be a valuable tool. In this article, we will guide you through the process of turning off comments on YouTube and explore alternative methods for managing comments effectively.

As a content creator on YouTube, you understand the importance of building a community and fostering engagement with your viewers. The comment section under your videos can be a valuable space for discussions, feedback, and interaction. However, there are instances where you may want to disable comments to maintain a more controlled environment.

This article will provide you with step-by-step instructions and insights on how to turn off comments on YouTube, allowing you to make an informed decision based on your content and audience.

Why would you want to turn off comments on YouTube?

While comments can provide valuable insights and foster a sense of community, there are several reasons why you might choose to disable them. First and foremost, some topics or sensitive content may attract inappropriate or offensive comments. Disabling comments can help you prevent such situations and ensure a safer viewing experience for your audience. Additionally, managing a large volume of comments can be time-consuming, and disabling them may alleviate the moderation burden. Lastly, in certain cases, such as music videos or artistic performances, you may want the focus to be solely on the content itself, without the distraction of comments.

The benefits and drawbacks of disabling comments

Turning off comments on YouTube can have both positive and negative implications. On the positive side, disabling comments can help reduce negativity and discourage the spread of hate speech or offensive content. This promotes a more inclusive and welcoming environment for your viewers. Moreover, by disabling comments, you eliminate the risk of your content being overshadowed by unrelated or spammy comments. However, it’s important to note that disabling comments also means losing out on potential viewer engagement, feedback, and community building. Comments can provide valuable insights and foster a sense of connection between the content creator and the audience. It’s crucial to strike a balance that aligns with your content strategy and goals.

Understanding YouTube’s comment settings

Before we delve into the process of turning off comments, it’s important to understand YouTube’s comment settings and the options available to you. YouTube provides three main comment settings for your videos: “Allow all comments,” “Hold potentially inappropriate comments for review,” and “Disable comments.” By default, the setting is set to “Allow all comments,” which allows anyone to comment on your videos. The “Hold potentially inappropriate comments for review” option enables you to manually review and approve comments before they appear publicly. Lastly, the “Disable comments” option completely turns off comments on your video.

To adjust these settings, you can navigate to the YouTube Studio, where you’ll find various tools and options for managing your videos. Understanding these settings will allow you to choose the most appropriate option for your content and audience.

How to turn off comments on a new YouTube video

When uploading a new video to YouTube, you have the option to disable comments right from the start. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to turn off comments when uploading a new video:

  1. Sign in to your YouTube account and click on the “Upload” button located at the top-right corner of the page.
  2. Choose the video file you want to upload from your computer and fill in the necessary details like title, description, and tags.
  3. Scroll down to the “More options” section, located below the video details.
  4. In the “Audience” section, you’ll find the “Comments” dropdown menu. Click on it and select the “Disable comments” option.
  5. Once you’ve selected the desired comment setting, click on the “Publish” or “Save” button to upload your video with comments disabled.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure that comments are turned off from the moment your video is published.

How to turn off comments on an existing YouTube video

If you have already uploaded a video and want to disable comments, YouTube provides you with the option to make this change retroactively. Here’s how you can turn off comments on an existing YouTube video:

  1. Sign in to your YouTube account and navigate to the YouTube Studio.
  2. On the left sidebar, click on “Videos” to see a list of your uploaded videos.
  3. Locate the video on which you want to disable comments and click on its title to open the video details.
  4. In the video details page, click on the “More options” tab located above the video preview.
  5. Scroll down to the “Comments” section, where you’ll find the comment settings.
  6. Click on the dropdown menu next to “Allow comments” and select the “Disable comments” option.
  7. Remember to click on the “Save” button to apply the changes.

By following these steps, you can easily disable comments on any of your existing YouTube videos.

Enabling and disabling comments on YouTube Studio

How to Turn off Comments on YouTube

YouTube Studio provides a comprehensive set of tools for managing your videos, including the ability to enable or disable comments. Here’s how you can access and adjust comment settings using YouTube Studio:

  1. Sign in to your YouTube account and navigate to the YouTube Studio by clicking on your profile icon and selecting “YouTube Studio” from the dropdown menu.
  2. Once in YouTube Studio, you’ll see a menu on the left side of the screen. Click on “Videos” to view your uploaded videos.
  3. Locate the video on which you want to manage comments and click on its thumbnail to open the video details.
  4. In the video details page, click on the “Comments” tab located in the left sidebar.
  5. Here, you’ll find various options for managing comments. To disable comments, toggle the switch next to “Allow comments” to the off position.
  6. Once you’ve made the necessary changes, remember to click on the “Save” button to apply the updated comment settings.

YouTube Studio offers a user-friendly interface that allows you to easily manage comments and customize settings for your videos.

Managing comments with YouTube Studio

In addition to enabling or disabling comments, YouTube Studio provides various tools for managing comments effectively. Let’s explore some of the key features and functionalities:

1. Comment filtering : YouTube Studio allows you to filter comments based on different criteria, such as the likelihood of being spam or potentially inappropriate. You can adjust the comment filtering settings according to your preferences to ensure that the comments you receive are relevant and meaningful.

2. Moderating comments: As a content creator, you have the power to moderate the comments section under your videos. YouTube Studio allows you to review, approve, or delete comments before they appear publicly. This gives you control over the conversation and ensures that only appropriate comments are visible to your audience.

3. Blocking words or users: If you encounter specific words or users that consistently leave inappropriate comments, you can utilize the blocking feature. By adding specific words or blocking certain users, you can prevent their comments from appearing on your videos.

4. Comment approval: If you want to maintain control over every comment that appears on your videos, you can enable comment approval. This means that all comments will require your approval before they become visible to others. While this approach requires more effort, it allows you to curate the comment section according to your preferences.

By utilizing these comment management tools in YouTube Studio, you can ensure a positive and engaging experience for both yourself and your viewers.

Using comment moderation features

YouTube provides several comment moderation features that enable you to maintain a healthy comment environment. Let’s explore some of the key features and how to use them effectively:

  1. Filtering keywords: YouTube allows you to create a list of blocked words or phrases. Any comment containing these keywords will be held for review or automatically hidden. This feature helps you prevent offensive or spammy comments from appearing publicly.
  2. Blocking users: If you come across users who consistently leave inappropriate or offensive comments, you have the option to block them. When you block a user, their comments will no longer appear on your videos, and they won’t be able to comment on your future content.
  3. Comment approval: By enabling comment approval, you can manually review and approve comments before they become visible to others. This feature allows you to ensure that only appropriate and relevant comments appear on your videos. However, keep in mind that enabling comment approval may increase the time and effort required to manage your comments.

Utilizing these comment moderation features empowers you to create a safe and positive environment for your viewers, encouraging meaningful discussions and interactions.

Alternative methods to control comments

While disabling comments entirely is one approach to managing your YouTube comments, there are alternative methods that allow you to control and moderate the comment section without completely turning it off. Let’s explore some of these options:

1. Limited comments

Instead of disabling comments for everyone, you can limit comments to approved users. This means that only users you have approved or who meet certain criteria can leave comments on your videos. This approach allows you to maintain a more controlled comment section while still fostering engagement with your dedicated audience.

2. Community contributions

YouTube provides a feature called “Community Contributions” that allows viewers to contribute subtitles, closed captions, or translations for your videos. By enabling this feature, you can shift the focus of viewer participation from the comments section to these valuable contributions, ensuring a productive and inclusive community.

3. Third-party moderation tools

In addition to YouTube’s built-in comment moderation features, there are third-party tools available that can help you manage and filter comments effectively. These tools provide advanced filtering capabilities, sentiment analysis, and automated moderation, saving you time and effort in maintaining a healthy comment section.

By exploring these alternative methods, you can find a balance that suits your content, audience, and moderation preferences.

The impact of disabling comments on engagement and audience interaction

While disabling comments may have its benefits, it’s important to consider the potential impact on viewer engagement and audience interaction. Comments provide a platform for viewers to express their thoughts, share feedback, and engage with the content creator. By disabling comments, you may limit these opportunities for interaction. To mitigate the impact, consider implementing other means of audience engagement, such as encouraging viewers to connect on social media platforms, hosting live chats, or conducting Q&A sessions. These alternative methods can help foster a sense of community and ensure that your audience still feels involved and valued.

Monitoring and responding to comments

Even if you choose to disable comments on your YouTube videos, it’s essential to stay connected with your audience and respond to their feedback and questions through other channels. Here are a few ways you can maintain engagement and communication:

1. Social media presence

Establish a presence on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. Encourage your viewers to reach out to you through these channels and respond to their comments and messages promptly.

2. Community posts

Utilize YouTube’s community post feature to share updates, ask questions, and interact with your audience. This provides a dedicated space for discussions and engagement.

3. Video descriptions

In the description section of your videos, include links to your social media profiles, websites, or other platforms where viewers can connect with you. Encourage them to leave comments or send messages through these channels.

By actively monitoring and responding to comments through alternative channels, you can maintain a strong connection with your audience, even when comments are disabled on your YouTube videos.

Best practices for managing comments effectively

Managing comments on YouTube requires a proactive approach to ensure a positive and engaging environment. Here are some best practices to consider:

1. Set clear community guidelines

Clearly define your community guidelines and expectations for comments. This will help set a positive tone and deter inappropriate or offensive comments.

2. Regularly review and moderate comments

Even if comments are disabled, periodically review the comments section to ensure compliance with your guidelines. This allows you to identify any potential issues or respond to questions or feedback left by viewers.

3. Engage with positive comments

When you come across positive and constructive comments, make an effort to engage with the viewers. Responding to their comments shows appreciation and encourages further interaction.

4. Don’t engage with trolls or hate speech

It’s important not to engage with trolls or respond to hate speech. Instead, focus on creating a positive environment by deleting or reporting such comments.

5. Encourage constructive discussions

When comments are enabled, encourage viewers to engage in constructive discussions and share their perspectives. This helps foster a sense of community and encourages meaningful interactions among your audience.

6. Educate your audience

Occasionally remind your viewers about the purpose of the comment section and the type of discussions you encourage. Educating your audience can help set the tone and expectations for comments.

7. Stay consistent

Apply your comment management practices consistently across your videos. This ensures fairness and maintains a consistent environment for your viewers.

By following these best practices, you can effectively manage comments and create a positive and engaging experience for your audience.

Re-enabling comments on YouTube videos

If you have disabled comments on your YouTube videos but decide to enable them again, the process is straightforward. Here’s how you can re-enable comments on your videos:

  1. Sign in to your YouTube account and navigate to the YouTube Studio.
  2. Click on “Videos” in the left sidebar to view your uploaded videos.
  3. Locate the video on which you want to re-enable comments and click on its thumbnail to open the video details.
  4. In the video details page, click on the “Comments” tab located in the left sidebar.
  5. Here, you’ll find the comment settings for the video. Toggle the switch next to “Allow comments” to the on position.
  6. Don’t forget to click on the “Save” button to apply the changes.

By following these steps, you can easily re-enable comments on any of your YouTube videos.


Managing comments on YouTube is a crucial aspect of being a content creator. While comments can enhance engagement and interaction with your audience, there may be situations where you want to turn off comments. By understanding YouTube’s comment settings and utilizing the tools available in YouTube Studio, you can effectively control and moderate comments on your videos. Whether you choose to disable comments completely or implement alternative methods for comment management, it’s important to consider the impact on viewer engagement and maintain communication through other channels. By following best practices and staying proactive in managing comments, you can create a positive and engaging environment for your audience.


Q1. Can I turn off comments for specific videos on YouTube?

Yes, you can turn off comments for specific videos on YouTube. When uploading a new video or editing the details of an existing video, you have the option to disable comments. Simply follow the instructions provided in this article to turn off comments for specific videos.

Q2. Can I turn off comments for my entire YouTube channel?

While you can disable comments for individual videos, YouTube does not provide a direct option to turn off comments for an entire channel. However, you can choose to disable comments on all your videos individually if you wish.

Q3. Will disabling comments affect my video’s visibility or search rankings?

Disabling comments on your YouTube videos does not directly affect their visibility or search rankings. YouTube’s algorithm considers various factors, such as watch time, engagement, and relevance, to determine the ranking of videos in search results and recommendations.

Q4. Can I enable comments on old videos after they have been disabled?

Yes, you can re-enable comments on videos that have previously had comments disabled. Simply follow the instructions provided in this article under the section “Re-enabling comments on YouTube videos” to enable comments on your desired videos.

Q5. Are there any alternative methods to manage comments without disabling them?

Yes, there are alternative methods to manage comments without disabling them completely. Some options include limiting comments to approved users, utilizing community contributions, or utilizing third-party moderation tools. These methods allow you to maintain control and moderation while still fostering engagement with your audience.

Q6. How often should I review and moderate comments?

The frequency of reviewing and moderating comments depends on your content, audience size, and personal preference. It’s recommended to review comments regularly to ensure compliance with community guidelines and address any questions or feedback from your viewers. Setting aside specific times to review and moderate comments can help establish consistency and maintain a healthy comment environment.

Q7. Can I moderate comments on my YouTube videos from my mobile device?

Yes, you can moderate comments on your YouTube videos from your mobile device by downloading and using the YouTube Studio mobile app. The app provides access to various comment management tools, allowing you to review, moderate, and respond to comments on the go.

Q8. What should I do if I receive spam or offensive comments on my videos?

If you receive spam or offensive comments on your videos, it’s important to take prompt action. You can delete or report such comments to prevent them from appearing publicly. Additionally, consider utilizing comment filtering features and blocking specific words or users to minimize the likelihood of receiving spam or offensive comments.

Q9. Can I limit comments to specific languages on my YouTube videos?

While YouTube does not provide a direct option to limit comments to specific languages, you can moderate comments and use comment filtering tools to manage comments in different languages. By utilizing language-specific filters and blocking inappropriate language, you can effectively control the comments section based on your language preferences.

Q10. Should I disable comments on all my videos to avoid negative feedback?

Disabling comments on all your videos is a personal decision and depends on your content strategy and goals. While disabling comments may help reduce negative feedback, it also eliminates the potential for constructive criticism and engagement with your audience. Consider the benefits and drawbacks discussed in this article and make an informed decision based on your specific circumstances.

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