
How To Close, Delete Or Deactivate Your SureCredit Account Easily

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How To Close, Delete Or Deactivate Your SureCredit Account Easily 

SureCredit is a loan app that provides financial services to individuals in need of quick and convenient access to credit. The app offers loans to both employed and self-employed individuals, with an absolute easy application process and fast disbursement of funds.

In this blog post, I’ll be addressing several key aspects related to SureCredit, including its approval status by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), the legitimacy of the app, loan requirements and interest rates, as well as the steps involved in closing, deleting, or deactivating a SureCredit account.

I understand it’s not everyone that want to keep a loan app after borrowing and making full repayment and that is why this guide is being created to guide you. The process is just too simple, kindly read on.

Is SureCredit Approved By CBN And FCCPC?

SureCredit is listed on the approval list of the Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC), which indicates that it has met certain regulatory requirements set by the commission. 

However, you need to keep in mind that SureCredit is currently not on the CBN approval list.

Legitimacy of SureCredit Loan App

Determining the legitimacy of any loan app is crucial to protect oneself from potential scams or fraudulent activities. In the case of SureCredit, there are several factors to consider when assessing its legitimacy:

FCCPC Approval: As mentioned earlier, SureCredit is listed on the FCCPC approval list. This indicates that it has met certain requirements set by the commission, which adds a level of credibility to its operations.

User Reviews and Ratings: SureCredit is a legit loan app that offers loans up to N1,000,000. The app has a large number of downloads, positive user ratings and reviews.

SureCredit Loan Requirements

Similarly to other Nigerian loan apps, SureCredit also had its own requirements. Below are essential requirements for SureCredit loan app:

Nigerian Citizenship: Applicants must be Nigerian citizens or legal residents of Nigeria.

Age Limit: Generally, applicants must be between 18 and 60 years old.

Employment Status: SureCredit provides loans to both employed and self-employed individuals. Employed individuals may need to provide proof of employment..

Bank Account: Applicants are usually required to have an active bank account in their name for loan disbursement purposes.

How To Close, Delete Or Deactivate Your SureCredit Account Easily
How To Close, Delete Or Deactivate Your SureCredit Account Easily

How To Close, Delete Or Deactivate Your SureCredit Account Easily 

If you have decided to close, delete, or deactivate your SureCredit account for any reason, there are certain steps you can follow to ensure the process is completed smoothly:

Repay Outstanding Balance: Before closing your SureCredit account, ensure that you have repaid any outstanding balance on your loans. Failure to do so may result in additional fees or negative consequences on your creditworthiness.

Get In Touch With Their Customer Care: Reach out to SureCredit’s customer support through their official contact options. 

This can be done through the app itself or by visiting their website. Let them know of your determination to close, delete, or deactivate your account and follow their instructions regarding the necessary steps.

Read: How To Close, Delete Or Deactivate Your Naira Loan Account Easily

Follow Account Deactivation Process: SureCredit may have a specific process in place for closing accounts. 

This may involve completing an account closure form or providing additional documentation. 

Follow their instructions carefully to ensure a smooth closure process.

Confirm Closure: Once you have completed the necessary steps as instructed by SureCredit’s customer support, confirm with them that your account has been successfully closed, deleted, or deactivated. 

Retain any confirmation or reference numbers provided for future reference.

FAQs On How To Close, Delete Or Deactivate Your SureCredit Account Easily

The following are some helpful frequently asked questions on how to close, delete or deactivate your surecredit account easily with answers:

What is SureCredit all about?

SureCredit is a financial institution that provides loans to individuals and businesses. 

It offers an accessible platform for individuals to apply for loans online. SureCredit aims to provide quick and hassle-free access to credit, helping borrowers meet their financial needs.

What is SureCredit loan interest rate?

The interest rate on SureCredit loans varies depending on the borrower’s credit history. 

However, the interest rate usually ranges from 10% to 20%. Borrowers with a good credit history are more likely to receive a lower interest rate, while those with a poor credit history may be charged a higher rate.

How to apply for a loan on SureCredit?

To apply for a loan on SureCredit, follow these steps:

Visit the SureCredit website or download the mobile application.

Create an account by providing your personal information and contact details.

Complete the loan application form, including details such as loan amount, purpose, and repayment term.

Submit any required supporting documents, such as identification and proof of income.

Review the loan terms and conditions before submitting your application.

Wait for approval, which typically takes a short period of time.

If approved, the loan amount will be disbursed to your designated bank account.

How do I check if I qualify for a loan?

SureCredit evaluates loan applications based on various factors such as credit history, income level, and repayment capacity. To check if you qualify for a loan:

  • Open the mobile application.
  • Provide the necessary information requested in the eligibility check section.
  • The system will analyze your information and provide an indication of whether you are eligible for a loan.
  • If eligible, you can proceed with the loan application process.

How can I get a loan of 10k?

To obtain a loan of 10,000 USD, you can consider the following steps:

  1. Research and compare different lenders to find the best loan options available.
  2. Check the eligibility criteria of the selected lender to ensure you meet the requirements.
  3. Prepare the necessary documents, such as identification, proof of income, and bank statements.
  4. Complete the loan application form accurately, providing all requested information.
  5. Submit your application along with the required documents.
  6. Wait for the lender to review your application and make a decision.
  7. If approved, the loan amount will be disbursed to your designated bank account.

How to get a loan from GTBank?

To obtain a loan from Guaranty Trust Bank (GTBank) in Nigeria, you can follow these steps:

  • Visit the GTBank website or visit a nearby branch to inquire about their loan products.
  • Familiarize yourself with the types of loans offered by GTBank and their respective requirements.
  • Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for the desired loan product.
  • Complete the loan application form accurately, providing all necessary details.
  • Gather all required supporting documents such as identification, proof of income, and bank statements.
  • Submit your application along with the supporting documents either online or at a branch.
  • The bank will review your application and make a decision based on their assessment criteria.
  • If approved, the loan amount will be disbursed to your designated bank account.

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